
How to Sell and Manage in Tough Times and Tough Markets: You Can Thrive, Not Just Survive, in Tough Times!

By April 5, 2021No Comments

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How to Sell and Manage in Tough Times and Tough Markets: You Can Thrive, Not Just Survive, in Tough Times!

The dominant theme throughout this book is that you can thrive in tough times. Reilly begins with background information: “Since 1854 we’ve had 32 recessions, each lasting about 1-1/2 years, and the average expansion of three years.” There is a chapter for salespeople filled with behind-the-scenes and frontline selling tips. And there is a management chapter that hits the leadership theme for tough times. This book is filled with dozens of practical suggestions for anyone in business. It is a quick read, but you will probably read it more than once.

Author: Tom Reilly

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